Debian GNU/Linux sid tty1

Welcome to, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak's Home Page.

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About me:    I am dos - a 11648.7 days old polyglot programmer from PoznaƄ, Poland; currently residing in Warsaw.
I do mobile GNU/Linux things. I'm also a holistic game developer affiliated with the Holy Pangolin studio. I worked on the Librem 5 for Purism and contributed to numerous Free Software projects. I love wasting my spare time with creative projects of various kinds (and quality) - videos, animations, music, games or even figurines. Usually it's easy to find me on the Web or IRC simply by looking for logins like: dos, dos1, seba.dos1 or seba_dos1.
My games:    There are plenty! Check them out at A small selection is also available on Steam.
My projects: check out the approximate list of FLOSS projects that I contributed to.
Posts/talks: Universal Serial Bug - a tale of spontaneous modem resets (FOSDEM 2024), Croatia through Librem 5's eye (2023-04-29), Librem 5 Photo Processing Tutorial (2022-03-02), What is Mobile PureOS? (2020-02-24), Gaming on Librem 5 (2019-12-19)
Donations:   If you like what I do and want to support it, there are ways to help me do more!
Have a lot of fun... _