Debian GNU/Linux sid tty1

Welcome to, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak's Home Page.

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                                                                    cat contributions
This is an approximate and rarely updated list of FLOSS projects that I contributed at least 1 line of code or data to, in no particular order.
- - SHR - KDE - opkg - r.js - GDevelop - Allegro - Linux - karma-selenium-webdriver-launcher - Semantic UI - Logstalgia - PhantomJS - OpenBmap - google-drive-ocamlfuse - Bot Will Accept Anything - Dogecoin - rad1o - OpenSLUDGE - Browser Ponies - PackageKit - Debian - OpenEmbedded - OpenPhoenux / tinkerphones - Ubuntu (CVE-2013-1052) - AUR - Openmoko - Tab Center Redux - Godot Engine - CommaFeed - Neo900 - Allegro.js - Spectrum2 - zero_brightness_fixer - Psi & Psi+ - python-elementary - purple-facebook - jwezorek/pypacker - DUMB - systemd - PolyEngine - GNOME - Conversations - OpenStreetMap - Performous - Greenworks - MacPorts - MSYS2 - Movim - Chromium - SleekXMPP - Laravel - QEMU - freedesktop-sdk - SDL - card10 - OSXCross - imgui & cimgui - RenderDoc - SuperTuxKart - wlroots - phoc - scrcpy - sway - ScummVM - libinput

Some of the projects that I've created and released as FLOSS.
- libsuperderpy - Kamerka - XMPP DeLorean - My Time Organizer - lots of my games cd .._